El Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Girl Shirt

You're not going to reach the El Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Girl Shirt true zealots. Those aren't the ones the fact checks are for. It isn't just the far right that thinks MSNBC and CNN are biased. You should look up how little trust people have in cable news, it's like 20% or so. Literally worse than congress, which is saying something. Your goal is to prevent Trump just lying to swing voters and them believing it because he says it strongly. No one is suggesting the fact check should be done by MSNBC and CNN in this thread. They are suggesting it be built into the debate itself, no matter which channels just like they would on every internet feed and every NBC and CBS and Sinclair affiliate as well. It wouldn't be on the behalf of channel. It would be something they'd have nothing to do with. What would be interesting is real time - at the debate - fact checking, not just talking heads on various channels. People need to be reminded that...