Official Male Female Person Shirt

 If the NBA taking a Official Male Female Person Shirt stand creates open dialogue and more acceptance of the discussion, it would truly benefit society. People should not be getting shot if unarmed or not posing a threat. Citizens should not be targetted by plain-clothed officers. Who can lie, be deceitful, and destroy citizens' lives with impunity and zero consequence. I tried sorting by controversial and now I seriously regret it. I need to wash my eyes. How can people who are fans of a predominantly African-American league be so blind to these issues? Imagine throwing a temper tantrum and quitting your job because some random criminal you never met was shot for resisting y gonna die on the hill over this? Find more sensible things to be outraged over FFS. I want Kobe back. He would have rallied basketball around this and changed the world. Lebron is going to go too far one way and the NBA is going to lose a lot of fans. Just sad. Cut the nose to spite the face. You lose the biggest platform to relay your concerns by being irrelevant. Nobody is going to remember this boycott a few days from now. Everyone has a goldfish memory with a flood of new information every day. The worst move ever.

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