Official Gobble Til You Wobble Flamingo Vintage Shirt

A terrorist attack is not the Official Gobble Til You Wobble Flamingo Vintage Shirt same as a military strike. I'm pretty certain that in those 60 years other terrorist attacks had occurred. Maybe from different ideologies and not of that magnitude but definitely terrorist attacks. As sad as remembering that day makes me, I'm even sadder that our allies remember and care so much more about us than we deserve right now. I hope one day that America earns back the respect and love that other countries give us. Right now, we aren't the allies and friends you deserve. Anyone out there who cares about us still,  I was homeschooled and my mom came into my room and said "You need to get up and come into the living room," when I got into the living room, the news was on and there was a tower burning in New York, I had no idea what was happening. Then the news started talking about how some people had hijacked an airplane and crashed into the World Trade Center tower. There was a brief pause in the broadcast and then the second airplane hit, you could see the devastation on the faces of the broadcasters, the faces of my parents, and the faces of the people on the streets of New York.

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