Official Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt

 Stop bringing up other Official Sugar Skull Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt examples that don't relate in order to combat current issues, especially if you're misinformed on it. Welp... Then they just fucked themselves and the league. Good riddance! Keep supporting felons who have violent charges and refuse to obey the police and do awful deeds in society. They'll never get another dime from me and a lot of other people. Man is this thread extra depressing is controversial. Is the NBA’s stance on China hypocrisy and it sure seems like thinly veiled racism. “Black athletes should know their place and shut up”. I can’t think of anything less American than that. America has become a joke that isn’t funny anymore. Watching the video of a kid walking down the road with his hands up and an assault rifle hanging from him toward police cars who are backing away and then driving past him, when he’s just murdered someone and shot at others in plain view, during riots caused by someone being killed by the same police force because they thought he MIGHT have had a gun…

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