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 Most of the time for reasons that are Catrina Sugar Skull Woman Dia De Los Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt  closer to them than they think. Its easy to move the blame to something like police, because pride gets in the way. It's not my home, my childhood, my parents, my neighborhood. It's the cops. Cops are the easy target to blame these problems on. If you defund the police the drugs and gun violence will get worse. Donate LBJ and the rest of you. You can do so much more help than strike or boycott. A program that pays for books and school supplies. Rewards good grades with money or scholarships. Anonymous more benefits. And stop getting pregnant or getting girls pregnant at 15. This is so unbelievably silly. I don't understand the rationale here. I fully support NBA players in expressing their political opinions or participating in peaceful protests or other forms of peaceful expression. But boycotting doing their job just hurts the fans and the league. It isn't going to hurt what they're trying to do politically. They have all their off-time and the offseason to engage in as much political activity as they want to. But when they're on the clock I really think they should do their jobs.

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