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I'd be okay with him Catrina Sugar Skull Girl Day Of The Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt wasting a workday. When he does nothing he's not directly hurting anyone. And would've probably been less severe if he had just sat this one out. Yeah but when he is off on twitter he typically throws out major policy changes that he claims are already in the works. Then when his administration finds out what he promised they need to abruptly throw something together because Trump can't ever be wrong about anything, even something that came to him 5 minutes ago that he put 0 thought into. when he is at work the relatively responsible sociopaths in his administration can keep him busy with meetings, delay publicizing the idea until he can be talked out of it, or otherwise keep him occupied and unable to break things he doesn't understand or nuke a hurricane or whatever. You can totally contain a virus. In the middle ages, they had walls around the towns, and would just close them off. Its how we even have the concept of quarantine. Nothing would make me happier than to see Trump rage quit a presidential debate.
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