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 Gave me a lot more understanding for Sugar Skulls Señorita Pug Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt people who hoard. Her mom is mentally ill and I think the situation with her dad just triggered her to snap. It’s been difficult because in the beginning I was there stepping in and helping. My kids and I would come to clean their house to help almost weekly. But it kept getting worse and then almost expected that we would just do it. So it’s really strained our relationship. I think things are starting to swing towards the better lately though. It says she was friends with the boy that is accused of killing her and it may have been a robbery. The other dude is accused of driving the killer away from the scene and the two girls a phrases in my head I can 100% understand how anyone can hear either. The quality isn't good enough to know for certain. It's kind of like the yanny Laurel thing except it actually makes sense because the audio sucks ass. But there are no newspaper articles when someone is born, goes to school, behaves decently, graduates, gets married, works a reasonable job, has kids and looks after them until they grow up, give money to charity, does some voluntary work, retires, enjoys time with the grandkids, and dies peacefully.

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