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 I mean I get the outrage over Sugar Skull Color Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt George Floyd. But Floyd's case can't make it impossible for police to defend themselves against suspects. Who ignore all orders and reach for weapons. Lebron lost a lot of mines and most people's respect with the china stuff but respect to him for taking a stand on this one. Dude has the most to lose here by far, he's obsessed with his legacy and knows how much one more chip would mean to it. In a season where nothing was normal  sports and forget the NBA this year. BLM already has no clear goal or endgame. This is yet another message that’s gonna be lost on the majority of people in this country. The difference is the guy who executed the kid was arrested immediately. What more do you want from that situation? People are angry because the cop who shot Jacob Blake and Brenna Taylor is still free. If anything, the 5yo example only proves people's points. A black man fatally kills a white kid and immediately gets arrested and put through the legal system. However, a white officer fatally kills a black man and roams around consequence-free.

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