Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Flower Shirt

 His supporters are currently salivating at the Dia De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull Flower Shirt chance to shoot their fellow Americans for protesting against the authoritarian police state. I’ve said it to others. I think he finds a way to not debate. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain. His base already sees Biden as having dementia so what happens if he goes out there and gets destroyed? That's why Nancy doesn't think there need to be any debates! If Biden starts stroking out at the debate lik for a live screening of his orange ass going into a stroke when twitter factchecks him after he walks off the stage lmao. Yup. It would all be rigged against him in his mind. He would go home and refuse to play anymore. And his base would eat it up. Cuff them at the ankles to the stage and have them be verbal rock'em sock'em robots. The first to fall over loses the debate. Then Twitter labels his tweets as false. Hahaha. Learn to tell the truth trump. These responses are amazing! I am enjoying the laughter. Yeah, but he'd just call it unfair and a deep state hoax and his base would be livid at the rigged and biases debates. 

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