
Showing posts from October, 2020

Good I Need A Timeout Send Me Hunting And Don’t Let Me Come Back Till My Attitude Changes Shirt

In English, we have the expression “sports god” or “rock god,” with the small “g” to denote a general god. As opposed to the idea of “The God” as you mentioned - does “Allah” get used in that context in Arabic. Or is there some other equivalent word/expression? That's always been my understanding. Allah is "godlike" or something like that. And most of the stars I Need A Timeout Send Me Hunting And Don’t Let Me Come Back Till My Attitude Changes Shirt math class is going to suck, using all those Algorithms. Algebra is Islamic indoctrination and I will not tolerate it in my math! Lmao, imagine cursing with troglodyte. One of my mates used to call people a troglodyte and it works well with a posher accent (not Waitrose but more M&S posh). As a non-native English speaker.....trying to pronounce that word gave me a stroke. Troglodyte or Waitrose? Troglodyte. And his coffee is Arabic. They are actually Hindu. I think the proper term is Hindu-Arabic numbers. I might be wrong...

Good Women Not Today Diabetes Shirt

 The only excuse I keep seeing is the question of anonymous sources. But Trump has a history of publicly shitting on the military. That’s all good and well until, you know, you’re supposed to be the head of it. There need to be consequences for lying like that. Fox News should be shut down for all the damage they’ve done, all the propaganda and blatant lies. It’s hard to become a   when you have bone spurs. Stars and stripes.  Women Not Today Diabetes Shirt Vote blue people.  Donald Trump finds himself in an uncomfortable position with this story. He will deny that he said this, but given his history of lies, how can we not believe that he actually said this. It will be a word for word, but it may cost him many votes. In an election as close as this year's, donald trump probably made one mistake too many. His lack of respect is once again coming to light. Buy it: Women Not Today Diabetes Shirt Diabetes  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Viewtees-Cus...

Good Don’t Use Soap On Me Shirt

 I always thought the God of Islam and the God of Christianity were one in the same are they not? Just because you and I both know someone named Frank and can describe some of Franks's features the same, doesn’t mean it’s the same guy. Not really because they both came from the Jewish God. To an extent, but in different universes. Jews don't believe that the new testament or the 3rd one is canon. Christians believe that the old and new testament are canons, Don’t Use Soap On Me Shirt called "God" who was, nonetheless, using the word "God". With God, it's a very tricky philosophical issue to sort out whether Allah and God are the "same" thing. Muslims and Christians don't have exactly the same beliefs about God and Allah, so how different do they have to be before they're talking about different concepts? Christians for instance generally believe in the Trinity, that God is a single being with three distinct.  Buy it: Don’t Use Soap On ...

Good Grinch Hand Mistlestoned Shirt

 It is not as straightforward as a lot of people here are assuming. Yes, maybe people would use the same word to refer to either but that doesn't necessarily mean that they mean the same thing. For example, a king and a president are not the same things, but they're similar enough that some people might not distinguish the two. Let me put it like this, if you and another person both called something a "dog," how different would it have to be before you're talking about two different things   Grinch Hand Mistlestoned Shirt Or if they thought cats are a kind of dog? Fair enough, I am saying Christians and Muslims and Jews may have different interpretations but that they believe in a God of the same beginnings, as in the god who created the universe. I think you need to word that sentence more carefully, given that Arabic speaking Christians use the word "Allah", so the one word vs another word part of it really is a translation thing. While I get your over...

Good If You Don’t Like Trump Then You Probably Won’t Like Me And I’m Ok With That Shirt

 But then there are some Christian denominations that don't fully follow the trinity. Jesus is the son of God. There is absolutely no Christianity without Judaism. 100% of the belief is tied to it. Jesus was the messiah prophesied by Jewish prophets so to say it's not the same God is a little odd. I do not know what anything you just said had to do with anything I said. In Christian faiths that believe in the trinity (which I am pretty sure is most of them). Yes Jesus is the son of G If You Don’t Like Trump Then You Probably Won’t Like Me And I’m Ok With That Shirt  What I mean when I say technically they are not the exact same God what I mean is that The Christian "father" and the Judaism God are roughly the same entity. That is only a part of the Christian God so to call them the same is to leave out the whole thing that makes Christianity, you know Christianity. Yes, I agree with the idea that God the father and the Jewish and Muslim God are one and the same.  Buy...

Good Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats And Was Born In December Christmas Shirt

 When they did eventually have a child when they were older, that was Isaac, from whom the Jewish people are said to be descended. Jews and Muslims are literally brothers and sisters, and Christians are like cousins. Same God just different beliefs about the same God. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet born to the Virgin Mary, we believe he will return to kill the Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats And Was Born In December Christmas Shirt Because while yes God the father would be the same. Jesus Christ is literally thought of as God. Jesus is one part of the Trinity.  Each of these parts is separate "people" but they are all the same God. The easiest way to explain it is like organs of a body. Your brain, heart, and liver are all separate and distinct things but they are all apart of your body. Buy it: Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats And Was Born In December Christmas Shirt Underestimate  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pondertee-Custom-Tshirt...

Good Stop Asking Why I’m Crazy I Don’t Ask Why You’re So Stupid Shirt

 If it weren’t true trump could easily sue for libel and win a settlement worth millions. We all know he loves to sue anyone for even using his name or likeness in a heartbeat. Alas, all he can do is yell fake news and deflect the conversation. The imaginary urban of cities being burned to the ground by a leftist socialist. It’s the only thing he can run on. Stop Asking Why I’m Crazy I Don’t Ask Why You’re So Stupid Shirt  is hating on him. That’s not how it was before. I was astonished to see the amount of support he’d get from absolute losers. But today on some of the most recent tweets, all the replies are against him. I wonder if he actually reads those. And joining the military was beginning to look so tempting. He's literally been trying to make this "Trumps America" well before he ever ran for president.  And the lack of success he had in dealing.  You know that sounds an awful lot like a complaint. Buy it: Stop Asking Why I’m Crazy I Don’t Ask Why You’re...

Good Pigs It’ll All Come Out In The Wash Southern Couture Shirt

 You tell me, would Trump have taken a rain check if he was going to a rally instead of a cemetery. More projection, he knows how much of a loser he is. The dude is a failure everyone is of his life, fuck he even failed a trying to lose the election. Trump also said "Once I win 4 more years, start telling them 12 more years, it's going to piss them off so much. People are voting for a dick-tator. Pigs It’ll All Come Out In The Wash Southern Couture Shirt mention that Trump is a lying liar who notoriously lies. Like why is the media ignoring the fact that he’s lying to our face about something that he’s on video doing? I hope the day he dies, becomes a global holiday. He diverted billions of dollars allocated for military purposes to instead build his vanity wall project. The military has gotten it's biggest pay raise in decades under trump and they got more money in the budget for operational costs. I can explain it. Trump isn't working for the United States. Buy it: P...

Good I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Dachshund Shirt

When Trump told his supporters to commit a felony and vote for him twice, this is how fox covered it on their front page. It's absolutely pointless to try and reason with these people, they are insane. Sounds about the fox. Hot take from a draft dodger. Honorless buffoon. I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Dachshund Shirt  is fighting for the country and not for the president. And boom goes the dynamite. Fox news lying. No. They wouldn’t. Why are they trying to deny it so forcefully? If they deny it, they're admitting that it's a bag thing to have said. And he said publicly - on camera- that he doesn't like PoWs like McCain. So let's see them defend the one. This is not a human being it's pure evil. This isn't even a new thing, but a reminder of what he's said before, and not just once. Everyone is a winner or loser in his view. Buy it: I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Dachshund Shirt Dachshund  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pond...

Good I Am A Simple Man I Like Boobs And Playing Cornhole Shirt

 God then replied that Ishmael would build his own kingdom. I will make the son of the slave into a nation also because he is your offspring. And then in verse 18 He says the same thing to Hagar, the aforementioned slave. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation. Thank you for providing the clarification! I'm also wondering if you read anywhere that suggested that Ishmael's kingdom would be in constant conflict with that of Isaac's? I Am A Simple Man I Like Boobs And Playing Cornhole Shirt   I misinterpreted. Not specifically Isaac, but all his relatives, which would presumably include Lot’s descendants. You know how it was back then, “family” was a lot more expansive. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.  Buy it: I Am A Simple Man I Like Boo...

Good Never Go Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Go Shirt

 It's like asking if Batman is the same Batman in two different reboots. Just because one dated X doesn't mean both characters dated X (though it is possible for both to date someone representing. The same character in two different universes depends on which reboot you pick). You're correct! But if you look at Islamic history books. Interactions with Christians are mentioned a lot, Never Go Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Go Shirt  Muslims just interpret the immaculate conception as God's miraculous power as opposed to being the son of God. The Qur'an chronicles much of his life. There are just differences in names, ie. Jesus is Issa, Mary is Mariam, and St. Peter and St. John are Badr and Yahya. Judaism also holds a lot more significance in Islam than Christianity due to the origin of monotheism and much of the Children of Israel and their relationship with God.  Buy it: Never Go Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Go Shirt Faster  Trending Shirt This Is ...

Good So Viele Idioten Und Nur Eine Sense Shirt

 Either way the point is he had to be a perfect sacrifice which meant following the law perfectly and teaching others not to follow those laws would have ruined his whole purpose. It wasn't until later that people started teaching that he started a new religion. I agree with you about Paul for sure, even the new testament said people were twisting paul's words So Viele Idioten Und Nur Eine Sense Shirt Therefore, the same god. The differences between them are no different than the differences in them. Do you know God and are you a Muslim, Christian, or Jew? Expanding on that a bit, “islam” (lowercase, at least) just means “obedience to the Almighty”, and “Muslim” is one who does so. You're correct! Ishmael and Hagar were sent to the desert which would be modern-day Makkah, there among his descendants would have been Muhammad. You all do realize the Trump family is trying to take over America right? If trump wins Ivanka will probably run in 2024.  Buy it: So Viele Idioten ...

Good Cobra Kai Sweep The Leg Shirt

 In Islam, Abraham had two sons, the first was Ismail (Ishmael). Who is the ancestor of Arabs (technically there were Arabs before him in Yemen but he's the ancestor of the majority of modern-day Arabs)? And Isaac who was the father of Jacob who's the ancestor of Jews. Muslims believe that all prophets and messengers of Allah were Muslims ( Cobra Kai Sweep The Leg Shirt  Saul (Paul) who went on to preach in Rome and convert many non-Jews to the new religion. From the new testament, you can clearly see Jesus was all about getting back to the roots of the law and took issue with what had been added to the laws that detracted from its true meaning and purpose. At most you could say he took away the necessity for sacrifices but at the same time, those didn't actually atone for sins they were just in lieu of a future sacrifice. Buy it: Cobra Kai Sweep The Leg Shirt Sweep  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pondertee-Custom-Tshirt 

Good Beast Boy Vs The World Lil Uzi Shirt

 My comment was more so saying that what you were trying to convey has a single issue in it in accordance with one of the beliefs. Which regards Islam and Sabians. Bengali has millions of words for god, mostly loaned from other languages, Allah, Khuda, etc. while Hindus and Christians tend to use Ishvara(the dog word for god in Sanskrit) Thank you, this is a really helpful answer and I really do appreciate it. I am saving this one so that I can always find it easily. Beast Boy Vs The World Lil Uzi Shirt  the old gods, the Lord of Light? Maybe it’s all the same thing. They don't agree on who can wear hats and where they are acceptable. It's been a bloodbath but eventually, the winner will dictate the terms of hats. They don't say the corrected mind they say brought more detail to or God sent him to make adjustments. I have seen a pastor say we do not get to pick and choose what part of the bible we follow and that you can take the bible out of context and make it say anythin...

Good Mickey Mouse Je Suis Une Princesse Disney Sauf Si Harry Potter A Besoin De Moi Shirt

 A fair point with Sabians. It's been a long time since I've seen them mentioned, and longer since my last sincere attempt to read through the Quran. My own opinions are likely colored by my Mormonism upbringing, and my failed attempts at exploring other religions afterward to find another that "fit." Being a devout atheist now, it certainly affects my outlook and phrasing. Mickey Mouse Je Suis Une Princesse Disney Sauf Si Harry Potter A Besoin De Moi Shirt  While I don't share them, I could have done a better job respecting them. So, again, I'm sorry. Oh, I have no problem with you using that term. Actually, that’s a belief we have in Islam. That the Bible, Psalms, and Torah have been “retconned.” And also I was reading your comment as someone being on the “facts” rather than one belief. I feel like a Christian would be more offended. As your statement would affect their beliefs than any other Abrahamic religion.  Buy it: Mickey Mouse Je Suis Une Princesse Di...

Good Je Suis Une Femme Simple J’aime La Course A Pied Et L’apero Shirt

 Pretty much every new Abrahamic religion that came along simply built upon and retconned the shit out of the previous one it sprung from. Mormonism, the various sects of Islam, Anglican, the various branches of Christianity such as the Protestant reformation branches, etc. But they all share the same roots. Think of it like this: we use one word for the Abrahamic god and the same word for other Je Suis Une Femme Simple J’aime La Course A Pied Et L’apero Shirt Jews are supposed to be continuations of each other and not much “retconning” happened between them. As compared to Jews to Christian and Christians to Muslims. But like I said. Not much is known about the Sabians. They also do not exist anymore. Either dying out or converting to one of the other three religions. In Islam, we have a term, Ahl Al-Kitab which means People of the Book, which means people who believe in the Zaboor (Pslams), the Torat (Torah), the Injeel (Bible), and the Quran. The Quran specifically mentions Chri...

Good Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt

 I really hope I am not offending people. As far as I know, Allah is the Abrahamic (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) God. Allah is the definite form of the word god, so it literally translates to The God, so you are correct that it refers to the Abrahamic God. But if you are referring to a different god you must use a different word which is "blah" or"إله" in Arabic. The literal Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt ike this: we use one word for the Abrahamic god and the same word for other deities. Assuming that other languages have only one word for "deity" isn't going to always be accurate. All the Abrahamic religions share the same roots. The Quran was written after the Bible in its current form was compiled. And it still has a surprising amount of the new testament stories in it. They simply believe that Jesus was a prophet of God, and not god himself. Buy it: Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt Ross  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pondertee-Custom-Tshirt 

Hot If You Don’t Like Trump Then You Probably Won’t Like Me And I’m Ok With That Shirt

 One of my mates used to call people a troglodyte and it works well with a posher accent (not Waitrose but more M&S posh). As a non-native English speaker.....trying to pronounce that word gave me a stroke. You’ll need to put this in terms I understand. David Mitchell posh or Stephen Fry posh? Nowhere near that posh. Maybe Simon Cowell ( I know he's not "posh" but he's posher than your average If You Don’t Like Trump Then You Probably Won’t Like Me And I’m Ok With That Shirt    have a question regarding this. Allah is the word Arabic Speaking Christians use for the Christian God. Sort of like how English Speakers use God. Thank you, my question is more the meaning of the word Allah. For instance, a god from another religion would still be called a god. So I was wondering if Allah is used specifically for a single God like the Christian one or if it is also used to define the concept. So Ganesha is a god, and God is a god, but would Ganesha be an Allah, or is only ...

Good I Don’t Always Listen To My Wife But When I Do Things Tend To Work Out Better Shirt

 Because of the Waraqah/Muhammad connection, it can easily be said that Islam preserved what is actually the true religious form of a gentile follower of Jesus. In Islam, Abraham had two sons, the first was Ismail (Ishmael) who is the ancestor of Arabs (technically there was Arabs before him in Yemen but he's the ancestor of the majority of modern-day Arabs) and Isaac who was the   I Don’t Always Listen To My Wife But When I Do Things Tend To Work Out Better Shirt version of the true explanation. I'm 13 idk how to explain this well. Say wallah right now. That's always been my understanding. Allah is "godlike" or something like that. Allah is "The God." Or God capitalized in English in reference to a specific thing. Wait till this guy learns that they're teaching the kids in school using Arabic numerals. And most of the stars have Arabic names. Oh, yea, and math class is going to suck, using all those Algorithms. Algebra is Islamic indoctrination and...

Hot I Am A Crazy Cat Lady The First Of Her Name Queen Of Mousers Shirt

 On a side note, Muhammad's first cousin twice removed, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, was an Ebionite monk. Ebionites aka Nazarenes (Nusraniyah in Arabic) believe in Jesus as Messiah, but reject Paul (the lineage went from John the Baptist to Jesus to James to Simeon to Judas), and do not claim Jesus' supposed deity. Waraqah was teaching monotheism in Mecca before Muhammad and was the I Am A Crazy Cat Lady The First Of Her Name Queen Of Mousers Shirt  I think you might be on to something here! That's when it's important to get a little simple. Education when it comes to religion is important. That's my message here. I feel like many of the friends I had when I was younger would have had a much different thought process (as I would have) if I had been told the reality of such things. When I got old enough and wise enough to learn it on my own, I did. Buy it: I Am A Crazy Cat Lady The First Of Her Name Queen Of Mousers Shirt Mousers  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Ponderte...

Good This Is My Lazy Christmas Pajama Sloth Sleeping Shirt

 This is one of the jobs people talk about when they try to explain the benefits of machine learning removing human jobs. I seriously hope we get to a point where YouTubes' content ID system can immediately and automatically remove this stuff. No person should ever be in a situation where this is their only means of income. Makes ya feel real great about humanity, huh? God have mercy on us. No wonder 2020’s so bad. Would the Bahrain security forces murdering protesters be  This Is My Lazy Christmas Pajama Sloth Sleeping Shirt   try to upload this content? f you don't mind my asking, since that absolutely horrifying, did you ever get therapy? And if so, was the cost shouldered by your employer? I feel like this would make a good AMA. Had friends working for a way milder platform a long time ago. Another way they put it was that they got a lot of insensitive and weren’t sure it was good from a human perspective. A bit like how ER people stop being phased by broken bones com...

Hot Merry Christmas 2020 The Year We Stayed Home Santa Face Mask Shirt

 I knew a good friend who’s favorite website was a shock website that uploads really disturbing, violent videos. Like Beheadings, mutilations, gruesome deaths and gruesome torture, and disturbing sexual videos from around the world. Really frightening sick videos. It’s one of his favorite websites. He showed me a few a couple of times and he was laughing and watching people die in Merry Christmas 2020 The Year We Stayed Home Santa Face Mask Shirt  of things I never did. He would use to joke about torturing cats and he would include bloody scenarios. Like throwing them against the wall and blood spewing out. I wonder if that website changed him or he always had it in him. He did tell me one time his ex had a cat who meowed at night and one time. When they were bathing him in the bathtub he decided to teach this cat a lesson so he. And I quote held the cats head underwater for a few seconds not to kill it just to show it who’s boss. That sent chills up my spine. And he came acr...

Good Fuck 2020 Coronavirus Shirt

 It's not that much above minimum wage in Ireland which is 20500 euros a year full time. Wow! Ireland sounds amazing! The cost of living is pretty high here but it's not too bad if you live outside of Dublin. Despite its issues, it's a pretty good place to live in general if you don't mind the lack of sunlight. The minimum wage won't pay the rent in any city in America. It's an easy job that anyone can do, there are a lot of ups in this world. I would assume the Fuck 2020 Coronavirus Shirt Accenture India doing the same thing. My pay was about 300 monthly for a full-time job. Yes, you read that right. You're telling me people sit at their desks for 8 hours, constantly subjected to torture, illegal porn, snuff videos, and other weird and YouTube pays them 23k per year? Holy, how is anyone staying in that job? What could possibly make up for the job duties at that pay level? Sounds like a job for 4chan. I mean, that just sounds like fetish porn compared to t...

Good Virtual Farts Matter Shirt

 Working for YouTube through a staffing agency like Collabera that was mentioned in the article? Most known child pornography gets loaded to a program that scans videos for data signatures and auto flags it when found. These programs and databases to do this. But new stuff is made every day I expect. I always thought reported content went through some Virtual Farts Matter Shirt  jobs that should be paid incredibly well. After a while, it must make you numb to all the violence and hate in our world.  Hooray, that’s literally my job! Not to mention I’m trans so I get to watch all the anti-trans stuff. Then someone else steps up to take their place. That type of job is always going to need someone to do it. You're telling me people sit at their desks for 8 hours, constantly subjected to torture, illegal porn, snuff videos, and other weird and YouTube pays them 23k per year? How is anyone staying in that job? What could possibly make up for the job duties at that pay level?...

Good There’s Some Ho Ho Ho In This House Santa With Toilet Paper Merry Christmas 2020 Shirt

 There also need to be strict legal ramifications for this stuff. My guess is the overwhelming majority of horrible stuff gets deleted but never followed up on with arrests. How many people do you think have been arrested for uploading animal cruelty to YT? My guess is very few. If people knew they would face consequences it might limit how much of it these mods had to see. But you'd probably also have to connect every YT account to an actual person. Then you start  There’s Some Ho Ho Ho In This House Santa With Toilet Paper Merry Christmas 2020 Shirt  videos uploaded just the really horrible ones, it'd still be way too much to follow up legally on every single one. All in all, it's simply a manpower issue. For every person dedicated to cataloging the video, time stamping, evidence handling, or whatever, you've got probably 10x the number of people uploading content that a single person would have to deal with. Scale it up, and it becomes a monstrosity of data that peo...

Hot Santa Claus With Face Mask And Toilet Paper Gift Christmas 2020 Shirt

 And congratulations. You have wonderful hair. Let that low. Honest me thinks that honest you look kinda cute. Thank you honestly. Struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life. Proud of your bother it’s tough to stay strong. Sending a big grandma to hug your way! I am happy for you. I received it and it was amazing! Lots of love. Don't forget that you are very beautiful, at least I think you are. That's so nice to hear honestly. I am so proud of you! you are glowing Until then.   Santa Claus With Face Mask And Toilet Paper Gift Christmas 2020 Shirt  Huzzah, congrats! Hope you’re reading this and best of luck to you. I am reading all of this. Im a poor ass student at 26 but damn I wish I could give you an award! Keep it up brother, you are giving us all hope. Congrats!! That’s huge! You’re super cute. You are so adorable and happy. I wish you all the very best in life. In the 1980’s England, you would have been laughed at and derided for making this statement....

Good Keep Your Fucking Distance Shirt

 You’ve got the sunshine smile going on. Congratulations! Keep going. Btw: has anyone tell you, you look like a much handsome Noah Centineo? BC you do. Neat. I used to be so jealous of the people who just seemed naturally happy and unbothered. After going through some tough and really having to WORK at being happy and loving myself, I can tell you that the feeling is so much sweeter. Your smile is beautiful. Congratulations. If I might suggest - always be your own best friend, Keep Your Fucking Distance Shirt Congratulations on your incredible journey, you are beautiful and important. You look so happy and wonderful!   I'm working on a lot of these too. Yay for no panic attacks! So happy for you. This makes me happy. Good for you dear, your smile tells me you are so dear, keep up smiling and loving yourself. Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself, I know I am just an internet stranger but I'm really proud of you also. Congratulations beautiful. Righteous! To ...

Good Goodbye 2020 You Suck Shirt

 Good for you boss! Life not a bowl of roses but you can do it. We’re all better off with you here. Well done. So happy and proud of you. Good for you! You truly have come along way. I’m happy for you. Yeah, man! Get it. THIS summer? Hot, you're double amazing. Congratulations. I just teared up in pride for a total stranger. MY MAN!! Brought tears of joy to my face. I'm a year of sobriety behind you and hoping for similar results. Wow so brave.  Goodbye 2020 You Suck Shirt Could you explain more about your job? What do you do? Cool hat dude, congrats. Congrats dude! I hope things continue to go well for you. Congratulations but has anyone ever told you that you look like Adam Sevani, the guy in step up? Cause you guys look quite similar. This is the first time I hear this and holy he is gorgeous, thank you so much. Be proud of yourself, you did it! Wish you all the best. Stay awesome. Buy it: Goodbye 2020 You Suck Shirt Goodbye  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Vi...

Good Santa Wearing Mask Nope Yep Cousin Crew 2020 Christmas Shirt

 You are the only one staying with you till the end, so be a friend to yourself. Lots of love, you deserve it. Good on you. I'm proud of ya, wish I'd stuck with chemistry myself. You've got a good direction, and certainly, more time than I to use it well. As far as time lost goes, never forget it's okay to fall apart sometimes - tacos fall apart, but we still love them. Santa Wearing Mask Nope Yep Cousin Crew 2020 Christmas Shirt And we're all happy for you. Congrats what a great achievement. Such a cute smile. Thank you for sharing this happiness with us. I'm very glad to know you're doing well. I’m so proud of you also look amazing keep up the amazing work. You. Freaking. Go! Sounds like you are in a fantastic place, keep up the good vibes, we all really need them right now. Ur an amazing human, I have no idea who u are but you deserve the world and I hope u get everything you ever want in life, ur so amazing and I can’t help but smile and be so happy for ...

Good Teach And Love Inspire Motivate Lead Encourage Listen Connect Include Shirt

 I have had some systems that just get mad and disconnect you if you try that. Its low key kind of hilarious. Not enough would be my guess. You're telling me people sit at their desks for 8 hours. Constantly subjected to torture, illegal porn, snuff videos, and other weird  and YouTube pays them 23k per year? How is anyone staying in that job? What could possibly make up for the job duties at that pay level? I think that's the old pay. Teach And Love Inspire Motivate Lead Encourage Listen Connect Include Shirt TBF I took a 30 some odd hour course. Had a separate course part with firearms. And had to qualify with a handgun for certification. While it's not military training it was more than what I was expecting. We had tons of police academy rejects that would do that job for peanuts. Just because they get to carry a gun and feel powerful. Man, and here I am at 30 an hour to tell programmers if their website is working or not. I should really stop complaining. Buy it: Tea...

Good You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Marry A Polish Woman And That’s Kind Of The Same Thing Vintage Retro Shirt

 How do y’all want your burgers cooked? Ah, nevermind I’ll just cook ‘em medium-rare. I don't think we can and you know that. The problem is that people disagree on where we draw the lines. When it comes to where your rights end and another person's rights begin. Is your right to own a gun more important than my right not to get shot by someone who legally owns a gun? Because that's what seems to happen. Of course, there's also the other side. Is my right to You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Marry A Polish Woman And That’s Kind Of The Same Thing Vintage Retro Shirt  happiness in a society. Rights are the lie by which the plebs are bound, protecting that which is already controlled by the powers that be. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted a...

Good That Memphis 10 Shit No Fucks Given Get It How You Live Shirt

 A lib left told me we should treat animals like humans and humans like animals in the vein that they should have the same rights. Looks like a human is back on the menu boys!! It's not that we don't believe in human rights, we just have a stricter definition of what counts as human. The one thing I won't stand for is an auth agenda post. But I will because that's your right and That Memphis 10 Shit No Fucks Given Get It How You Live Shirt sufficiently advanced society, vegans would shut the up and eat the meat along with everyone else. A philosophy that relies on mass industrialization for its survival is stupid and morally bankrupt. I long for the apocalypse. Do we really have to wait for November 4 for the civil war? Can't we just get started already? Human rights, by definition, cannot be given, but only taken away. So if the government HAS to give it to you in order for you to have it, then it's by definition, not a human right. Difference between positive ...

Good 13 Officially A Quaranteen 13th Birthday Gift 13 Years Old Shirt

 Y'all have some great ideas, but you people value freedom in a vacuum over freedom in reality. And the reality is wealthy people do what they want while poor people toil endlessly or go without. Y'all always just refuse to accept the market is ruthless to those who own little other than their labor. Those who own appreciating assets (land!) and capital set the rules in 13 Officially A Quaranteen 13th Birthday Gift 13 Years Old Shirt   this meme. Go talk to a hungry tiger about your human rights. The global community also isn't intrinsic to nature, nor is any political system including your favored one, nor is the internet we are speaking to one another over. The entire reason that humans dominate the earth is that we don't follow what is intrinsic to nature. Of course not. Human rights are just a part of the rules that we set up to maximize wellbeing. If a society where everyone has a right to water has more wellbeing than a society without that, it'd make sense to...

Good Endometrial Cancer Survivor Peach Ribbon Shirt

 The problem of insulin costing $600 does not exist in any developed country other than America, yet America actually has less government regulation in its healthcare than most other countries. Here in Europe, the idea of ads on TV telling you to go ask your doctor for a specific medicine is insane, for example; your doctor chooses what medicine you use, Endometrial Cancer Survivor Peach Ribbon Shirt currency which the government created and regulates. Therefore, if you think you shouldn't have to pay taxes in exchange for not getting to use government services, you already can do that by simply ceasing to make use of the government service that is currency. Because, in this scenario, I bought it and you didn't. Consent is only relative to the parties involved. I don't need society's go-ahead before I have sex with my wife, for example.  Buy it: Endometrial Cancer Survivor Peach Ribbon Shirt Endometrial  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pondertee-Custom-Tshirt 

Good I Don’t Have Road Rage You’re Just An Idiot Trucker Truck Driver Shirt

 Supposing these people do not have families that want to look after them? I have no idea. It's not really fair to ask me to justify every niche example my ideology cannot account for. Barring the mentally ill, there are lots of people who cannot be motivated to work even when their I Don’t Have Road Rage You’re Just An Idiot Trucker Truck Driver Shirt so if the associations aren't big enough. That losing their business would seriously damage a company. At the very start of the association's existence, the companies will just wait them out until. Members give up and buy their life-saving medicine individually. What you are proposing is in a state of circular logic, where it can't start working until it starts working.  If the government is causing these problems, then how can the solution possibly be more government?  Buy it: I Don’t Have Road Rage You’re Just An Idiot Trucker Truck Driver Shirt Idiot  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pondertee-Custom-Tshirt...

Good I Just Wanna Play Pickleball Shirt

 Alternative medications that deal with crippling illnesses without. The drawbacks of pharmaceutical drugs are constantly being made illegal to further corporate interests. If the government is causing these problems, then how can the solution possibly be more government? I Just Wanna Play Pickleball Shirt their garages. And sell it without the threat of arrest. So this is where it gets pretty interesting. There are plenty of theories on how this would play out. But my favorite predicts that there would be a number of Rights Enforcement Agencies all floating around and competing with each other to provide the best possible service. Because of the inevitability of conflict, most of these agencies would agree ahead of time to have a particular court they defer to in such cases, and then both parties would make their case and receive judgment. Buy it: I Just Wanna Play Pickleball Shirt Pickleball  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Pondertee-Custom-Tshirt

Hot Karen I Am The Manager Simple Halloween Costume Shirt

 There lots of places around the world where insulin is dirt cheap because anybody with a lab can legally churn out buckets of the stuff. I've already gone over this. But I think you are severely overestimating how much insulin can be produced in a small lab. To make insulin on a scale large enough to supply a large number of people. You're going to need something more than a small lab. (Not that the small lab is cheap either). That is absolutely insane. Karen I Am The Manager Simple Halloween Costume Shirt where the cost of incredibly expensive treatments for individuals would be mitigated firstly by the rarity of occurrence, and secondly by the sheer number of members. They'd also operate like worker-unions, in that they'd be able to negotiate with companies for fairer prices. If these coalitions prove successful, which they will, more people will flock to them and their buying power will increase. The difference between a hypothetical nation-wide coalition and tax-f...

Good I’m Legally A Teenager The Fact That Is Just Hilarious Shirt

 This isn't because the Spanish government subsidizes insulin, which they don't. It's because the Spanish health service negotiates for insulin on behalf of the entire country. Rather than each Spaniard being left to fend for themselves, and thus can get a lower price. Insulin is incredibly cheap to produce, but the lack of any form of price control. And the high barriers to entry for the I’m Legally A Teenager The Fact That Is Just Hilarious Shirt  different ways in which a "voluntary" association cannot be voluntary for certain members of society. For as long as it remains profitable for companies to mass-produce medications, they will continue to find their way to local pharmacies. And what about cures? Is it profitable for a company which sells insulin to produce a permanent cure for diabetes, destroying their own customer base? And why innovate? Medicine is a non-elastic good, to use economic terms. You can't just buy it, so no matter how bad, or how over...

Hot Masks Are Fake News Unmask America American Flag Shirt

 I just wanted to point out the parallels between the countries we have today and the communities that could be formed in a truly libertarian society. What’s to stop a community from keeping others out, or even keeping their own denizens in, the way countries do? What stops them from passing their own laws or forcibly taxing their people in the same way? What if the Masks Are Fake News Unmask America American Flag Shirt  point isn't that it should be done because everyone does it, it's just that state-funded healthcare isn't a radical policy. And how will they do that? Health infrastructure is expensive. Developing new medicines takes billions of dollars and tens of thousands of workhours spread over hundreds of scientists, and thousands of more workers when you account for those obtaining the natural resources needed. These associations would not have the economies of scale to do something like that. And what about regulation? Most countries limit the price that medicine s...

Good Merry Christmas 2020 Quarantine Toilet Paper Xmas Tree Shirt

 I do agree that the only way to make taxes completely moral is to eliminate them. However, if you could do a small amount of harm (taking a small amount of money from everyone). To do a great amount of good (building roads, providing healthcare, police, etc). Wouldn’t that be the best choice to make? That’s the choice most of humanity has made because it’s one of the Merry Christmas 2020 Quarantine Toilet Paper Xmas Tree Shirt money taken from everyone isn’t small and much of it is wasted, and I do think we should focus on keeping that amount of money small and using it more effectively (which is why I’m bright), but I don’t think that means we should do away with taxes entirely. It’s just more pragmatic to pay for some things as a society rather than individually. Also, I wasn’t trying to say that people should move to a different country every time the government does something they don’t like. I actually think it’s generally the more cowardly option vs staying and fighting for ...

Good A Queen Was Born On December 18Th Happy Birthday To Me Lip Crown Shirt

 What did she think she would be watching, fluffy kittens? They're suing for lack of psychological support. If you can't handle it, then you're not right for the job. Quit and move on don't sue the company because you can't do the job they paid you for. Guess what? They're   A Queen Was Born On December 18Th Happy Birthday To Me Lip Crown Shirt  suing because they expected support for their mental health. You didn't even give me a chance to guess. Take your disgusting profile out and you do not deserve that name. Was that part of the agreement going in? about to remark how it’s the moderator’s job to moderate content on YouTube but then I remembered that they have an algorithm for that. Are you letting people upload YouTube? Anyone can upload anything to youtube, and the automated system is not perfect. How much do they get paid and where do I sign up? im desensitized and dead inside already. If I can work from home even better. My time on 4chan a decade ago...

Good Dragonfly Carolyn They Whispered To Her You Cannot Withstand The Storm Shirt

 Concentration camps are a stand he should take. Losing money from Nike endorsements for doing the right thing would be great to see. He has the platform, he should speak out. What are you asking is basically Lebron James denouncing China. I got tons of responses which I didn't expect. This only means that an individual has multitudes of views you wouldn't agree to. Keep doesn't really care, he even said he doesn't vote. He happened to take a stand not   Dragonfly Carolyn They Whispered To Her You Cannot Withstand The Storm Shirt  literally, he fact that otherwise, he's an idiot. And I’d like Reddit to stop using Nike, Apple, Target, Boeing, etc. You’re supporting slave labor in almost everything you buy or use because that’s just how capitalism works. Y’all so quick to ask someone to throw all his money away, yet all of you are just as complicit and I have not seen a single thing done by this community against China. You all will continue to buy their products. Th...

Hot Hooray Hanukkah Do The Candles Spin The Things Shirt

 And given that you spend a lot of time in r/conspiracy, and comment on your front page demonstrates you think a lot of the Covid-19 news is fake. I'm glad he is. He's a damned hero. Because while Trump and his fellow Republicans are driving the country full-speed off the pandemic cliff, Fauci is trying to change the course of the virus. This is sure to  Hooray Hanukkah Do The Candles Spin The Things Shirt  piss off a lot of people including the President. Let’s be honest with ourselves that was the whole isn’t an unbiased award, this is just another punch in the “left vs. right” game. Might drive Trump to force Fauci out. I hope not, but he’s got Dr. Demon Sperm lined up. Trump will take credit for having Fauci on his team. He'll be the "genius that hired Fauci. I don’t think Trump can fire Fauci. I think there’s something with the way he’s employed not through the fed. Trump just cut off funding to the Kennedy Center. I think that's almost the point. I'd lik...

Good Trump Can’t Do Virtually Anything Presidential 2020 Shirt

 I was still reading this in Trump's voice from the thread above. You should try it. How is there any equality between these two? One made enormous personal sacrifice over decades, the other took a knee to get attention once his playing wasn’t garnering it anymore. It pisses people off because Kap is a racist, communist Trump Can’t Do Virtually Anything Presidential 2020 Shirt  brainwashed Batman. He has such a high approval rating, so why don't I have a high approval rating. I’m so mad I’m going to burn some masks and Nike’s!!! That’ll show the libs. Oh, the boy can't wait for my dad to begin bitching about this one. Obviously, this award was given to those losers just to spite me. Yeah, it’s pretty crappy Kaepernick got it when he intentionally dehumanizes police. That doesn’t help the situation at all. But hey- you get a Nike deal out of it. As people die in the streets. And Fauci has been wrong on just about everything he’s said about Covid. Buy it: Trump Can’t Do Vir...

Hot Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only More Drunker Vintage Shirt

 He’ll just say he was invited to accept the award but had to cancel since he’s a too busy fighting coronavirus. Came here to say this. A certain group of people is not going to welcome this, but it will be a goldmine to their conspiracy theory talking heads. He's gonna be so jelly. It’s like he’s made of a melting substance. IDK, Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only More Drunker Vintage Shirt the multicolor head popping ending of Kingsman? Like that. Trump was already sore about the Nobel Peace Prize. No doubt he'll be fuming over this one. A true POTUS would be celebrating these men getting this honor. Kap has more white privilege than everyone. Well, Fauci is one of Bush’s henchmen so people should be angry. Yep. I hope the news is all over the cable channels. Just the fact that both are being honored should send him into orbit. Imagine being the kind of person angry with someone for trying to save lives - from a novel virus and government violence, respectively.  Bu...

Good Cat Looked Through The Window Shirt

 When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are Cat Looked Through The Window Shirt   of course. But, when you think masks, you should think of health care providers needing them and people who are ill. The people who, when you look at the films of foreign countries and you see 85 of the people wearing masks that’s fine, that’s fine. I’m not against it. If you want to do it, that’s fine. But it can lead to a shortage of masks? Exactly, that’s the point. It could lead to a shortage of masks for the people who really need it. Like it's incredibly obvious to see the logic there. This was before it was widespread, and it was before the asymptomatic transmission was really known. Buy it: Cat Looked Through The Window Shirt Window  Trending Shirt This Is Season  Warmtees-Custom-Tshirt...

Good I'm Just Here For The Chicken Nuggets Shirt

 The CDC released the first recommendation based on the facts they understood at the time. If I roll my eyes any harder I’m going to pull a muscle. For those that defend Fauci by saying “he didn’t know masks would be useful”, you have to be joking. An expert in infectious disease didn’t know that covering your mouth could reduce the spread of a virus? Even my kindergarteners  I'm Just Here For The Chicken Nuggets Shirt   just because something is useful doesn't make it useful for the situation. Think most of us with at least 2 brain cells to rub together knew it was intentional misinformation to avoid a toilet-paper like shortage for masks. Imagine there is a single bear on a rampage in the streets. Technically, telling everyone in the country to get inside their house will help protect them from the bear. But it's not a concern at that level, and so you say "No, you don't need to barricade in your home. But then a month later when there's. Buy it:  I'm Jus...

Good Jesus Take The Wheel Shirt

  If you're doing good, you will piss evil men off. He’s protested, and he’s a rich famous celebrity, woohoo. Shame he’s so content with Chinese human rights abuses. Whatever makes him money, I guess. Shame he’s so content with Chinese human rights abuses. According to people here the fact they are a different skin color to him means he isn't obliged to care, Jesus Take The Wheel Shirt  if anyone had the same attitude about BLM. Yeah, He gave up millions with no guarantee that anything more would come his way for a cause he beloved in but I guess for some people it’s never enough. I’m sure everything you buy and consume is 100% conflict-free. Look everyone this guy really can throw the first stone. Didn’t Fauci flat out lie to the American people about masks? And then admitted to it, claiming it was to prevent people from buying them en mass and leaving doctors short. Besides the obvious that hospitals have their own network of supplies and are not necessarily in competition....

Good Nurse Diamond Shirt

 I’m not a fan of Obama’s lack of progress on reducing wars, but come on he didn’t drop more bombs than any other president for sake. Ww2, Vietnam, Korea. What Obama did do was be the only recent president that had the DOD publish statistics on civilian casualties and drone usage - with Bush and Trump they just don’t tell the public how many people they’re killing. That was more of an award more than anything else. But those awards should hold themselves to Nurse Diamond Shirt is not a human rights paragon. Kind of devalues the entire thing If it’s just to piss off or antagonize others. Almost meaningless. Just another humanitarian award being used to piss someone off. Like when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for not being George W. Bush. It's not being done solely to piss off others. It only appears that way because evil and greedy in power don't like these individuals who did good. Kaepernick protested an ongoing human rights crisis. Buy it: Nurse Diamond Shirt Diamond...

Good It's A Slow Process But Quitting Won't Speed It Up Motivational Shirt

 Their work for equal justice touches every corner of society, sometimes at great personal cost. We are deeply honored to celebrate these changemakers, who have set forth countless ripples of hope at a time when our world is in such need of inspiration. A tweet from him saying that he doesn't care about the honor, that it is a no big deal, nothing honor but still how he should be the one receiving it because he has done so much more than the other two guys coming in three.  It's A Slow Process But Quitting Won't Speed It Up Motivational Shirt  create/demand an award for himself to try to one-up Fauci. Kaepernick actually becomes more famous, richer. And more influential because of his protesting than he was before he did it. Genuinely someone tells me why Kaepernick is deserving of it sometimes at great personal cost. It's almost as bad as Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize for the supposed plans he had then proceeded to drop more bombs than any president before him. ...