Good Trump Can’t Do Virtually Anything Presidential 2020 Shirt

 I was still reading this in Trump's voice from the thread above. You should try it. How is there any equality between these two? One made enormous personal sacrifice over decades, the other took a knee to get attention once his playing wasn’t garnering it anymore. It pisses people off because Kap is a racist, communist Trump Can’t Do Virtually Anything Presidential 2020 Shirt  brainwashed Batman. He has such a high approval rating, so why don't I have a high approval rating. I’m so mad I’m going to burn some masks and Nike’s!!! That’ll show the libs. Oh, the boy can't wait for my dad to begin bitching about this one. Obviously, this award was given to those losers just to spite me. Yeah, it’s pretty crappy Kaepernick got it when he intentionally dehumanizes police. That doesn’t help the situation at all. But hey- you get a Nike deal out of it. As people die in the streets. And Fauci has been wrong on just about everything he’s said about Covid.

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