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 I knew a good friend who’s favorite website was a shock website that uploads really disturbing, violent videos. Like Beheadings, mutilations, gruesome deaths and gruesome torture, and disturbing sexual videos from around the world. Really frightening sick videos. It’s one of his favorite websites. He showed me a few a couple of times and he was laughing and watching people die in Merry Christmas 2020 The Year We Stayed Home Santa Face Mask Shirt  of things I never did. He would use to joke about torturing cats and he would include bloody scenarios. Like throwing them against the wall and blood spewing out. I wonder if that website changed him or he always had it in him. He did tell me one time his ex had a cat who meowed at night and one time. When they were bathing him in the bathtub he decided to teach this cat a lesson so he. And I quote held the cats head underwater for a few seconds not to kill it just to show it who’s boss. That sent chills up my spine. And he came across as a warm caring popular person. You’d never know this dark side to him if you met him. Who loves dogs apparently.

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