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 You tell me, would Trump have taken a rain check if he was going to a rally instead of a cemetery. More projection, he knows how much of a loser he is. The dude is a failure everyone is of his life, fuck he even failed a trying to lose the election. Trump also said "Once I win 4 more years, start telling them 12 more years, it's going to piss them off so much. People are voting for a dick-tator. Pigs It’ll All Come Out In The Wash Southern Couture Shirt mention that Trump is a lying liar who notoriously lies. Like why is the media ignoring the fact that he’s lying to our face about something that he’s on video doing? I hope the day he dies, becomes a global holiday. He diverted billions of dollars allocated for military purposes to instead build his vanity wall project. The military has gotten it's biggest pay raise in decades under trump and they got more money in the budget for operational costs. I can explain it. Trump isn't working for the United States.

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