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When Trump told his supporters to commit a felony and vote for him twice, this is how fox covered it on their front page. It's absolutely pointless to try and reason with these people, they are insane. Sounds about the fox. Hot take from a draft dodger. Honorless buffoon. I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Dachshund Shirt  is fighting for the country and not for the president. And boom goes the dynamite. Fox news lying. No. They wouldn’t. Why are they trying to deny it so forcefully? If they deny it, they're admitting that it's a bag thing to have said. And he said publicly - on camera- that he doesn't like PoWs like McCain. So let's see them defend the one. This is not a human being it's pure evil. This isn't even a new thing, but a reminder of what he's said before, and not just once. Everyone is a winner or loser in his view.

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