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 Pretty much every new Abrahamic religion that came along simply built upon and retconned the shit out of the previous one it sprung from. Mormonism, the various sects of Islam, Anglican, the various branches of Christianity such as the Protestant reformation branches, etc. But they all share the same roots. Think of it like this: we use one word for the Abrahamic god and the same word for other Je Suis Une Femme Simple J’aime La Course A Pied Et L’apero Shirt Jews are supposed to be continuations of each other and not much “retconning” happened between them. As compared to Jews to Christian and Christians to Muslims. But like I said. Not much is known about the Sabians. They also do not exist anymore. Either dying out or converting to one of the other three religions. In Islam, we have a term, Ahl Al-Kitab which means People of the Book, which means people who believe in the Zaboor (Pslams), the Torat (Torah), the Injeel (Bible), and the Quran. The Quran specifically mentions Christians, Jews, and Sabians. 

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