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My comment was more so saying that what you were trying to convey has a single issue in it in accordance with one of the beliefs. Which regards Islam and Sabians. Bengali has millions of words for god, mostly loaned from other languages, Allah, Khuda, etc. while Hindus and Christians tend to use Ishvara(the dog word for god in Sanskrit) Thank you, this is a really helpful answer and I really do appreciate it. I am saving this one so that I can always find it easily. Beast Boy Vs The World Lil Uzi Shirt the old gods, the Lord of Light? Maybe it’s all the same thing. They don't agree on who can wear hats and where they are acceptable. It's been a bloodbath but eventually, the winner will dictate the terms of hats. They don't say the corrected mind they say brought more detail to or God sent him to make adjustments. I have seen a pastor say we do not get to pick and choose what part of the bible we follow and that you can take the bible out of context and make it say anything you want but that's wrong to do then quote part of a verse out of context to make it say whatever they want it to say.
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