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 I do agree that the only way to make taxes completely moral is to eliminate them. However, if you could do a small amount of harm (taking a small amount of money from everyone). To do a great amount of good (building roads, providing healthcare, police, etc). Wouldn’t that be the best choice to make? That’s the choice most of humanity has made because it’s one of the Merry Christmas 2020 Quarantine Toilet Paper Xmas Tree Shirt money taken from everyone isn’t small and much of it is wasted, and I do think we should focus on keeping that amount of money small and using it more effectively (which is why I’m bright), but I don’t think that means we should do away with taxes entirely. It’s just more pragmatic to pay for some things as a society rather than individually. Also, I wasn’t trying to say that people should move to a different country every time the government does something they don’t like. I actually think it’s generally the more cowardly option vs staying and fighting for what you believe in.

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