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 A lib left told me we should treat animals like humans and humans like animals in the vein that they should have the same rights. Looks like a human is back on the menu boys!! It's not that we don't believe in human rights, we just have a stricter definition of what counts as human. The one thing I won't stand for is an auth agenda post. But I will because that's your right and That Memphis 10 Shit No Fucks Given Get It How You Live Shirt sufficiently advanced society, vegans would shut the up and eat the meat along with everyone else. A philosophy that relies on mass industrialization for its survival is stupid and morally bankrupt. I long for the apocalypse. Do we really have to wait for November 4 for the civil war? Can't we just get started already? Human rights, by definition, cannot be given, but only taken away. So if the government HAS to give it to you in order for you to have it, then it's by definition, not a human right. Difference between positive rights and negative rights. The bright one also applies to lib left. 

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