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 Was a bit surprised at Dorpsstraat not being mentioned, but it's apparently number 4 so that's probably right. Wat is vooral vreemd vind is dat ik oprecht nog nooit een Molenstraat of Schoolstraat ben tegen gekomen. Had Zeke ook Dorpsstraat verwacht in de top 3. Ringvägen seems strange. I can't think of many others except the one in Stockholm. Drottninggatan and Kungsgatan on the other hand. No ”Skolgatan” is literally a school street. “Storgatan” however could So Choose Something Fun Everything Will Kill You Surfing Shirt them kills any chance the royals or other famous people might have had. I'm really surprised Stationsstraat is not number 3. I don't know any Mill Street. But every town with a station has a Stationsstraat There are many many streets called that. I parked my van on one in Munich and then couldn't find it again. Portugal would probably be Avenida da República. I know at least four streets with that name. Translated from Czech it is Garden street, Short street, and Station street. 

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