Good Sans Coco Le Monde Serait Bien Trieste Shirt

 It's crazy how many countries don't even have streets in 2020. Maybe they do have streets, but the streets don't have names. An American once asked me whether we have streets in Poland. And I'm surprised at how popular a street name "" is in Morocco. Even worse, several of the countries that do have streets somehow name them with these strange nonsensical runes. They were not part of the roman empire, thus never had streets. All roads lead to Rome. Sans Coco Le Monde Serait Bien Trieste Shirt  way is one thing. It's a path running along the royal canal, whatever system they used is dividing that up into hundreds of segments, probably open street maps. It's one path. Same with the grand canal. The high street on the other hand is in dozens of towns and cities. Yeah, that was very silly to me. Royal and Grand Canal Way are just paths along the canals in Dublin. Main Street I could see being popular, but otherwise, I couldn’t imagine the 2nd or 3rd. 

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