God Found The Strongest Women And Made Them Nurse Shirt

 As bad as that God Found The Strongest Women And Made Them Nurse Shirt was, it was somehow more awful that she would split couples up because they weren't sitting with the "right" house! As an erosion control specialist, I call dibs on Swales From Around the World. I better get planting some grass seed in some dioramas pronto. Anyone got some mini water fountains they can loan me to demonstrate how vegetation slows water velocity and thereby decreases erosion? It ain't a wedding if you didn't learn something you never wanted to know! It’s not the cringe that bothers me so much as the constant putting down of more “normal” weddings AND the insistence on being rude/not a good host to guests. 9/10 times. I’ve been to a heavily themed wedding, the decor has been unfriendly to those using walkers because it’s been so over the top. 

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