Soon As I Get Home First Thing I’m Gonna Do Is Punch Yo Mamma Indamouth Shirt

 Neither of them has given me a Soon As I Get Home First Thing I’m Gonna Do Is Punch Yo Mamma Indamouth Shirt sincere apology to this day. When I came home from work the first thing my GFs friend said was “You’re welcome” and I was like “What?”. She had peeled off ALL of the vintage stickers and now it was just a boring trash bongo. I’m still mad. Don’t touch my shit! Why did she think I did this? Because months prior to it crashing, I mentioned that I built a PC with some old parts. So she assumed since I could do that, I could hack a server. Jokes on them. Worth. This happened to my best friend. Someone copied his answers and he got detention and the kid didn’t. To this day, 20 years later, I still don't understand how or why things ended up that way. I can only guess because I was the shy nerd of the group and they were trying to fit in with the cool crowd. Regardless, it was a miserable experience that left me with quite a few trust issues.

Soon As I Get Home First Thing I’m Gonna Do Is Punch Yo Mamma Indamouth Hoodie

Indamouth  Trending Shirt This Is Season 


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