Sloth Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Shirt


I had a friend once with a Sloth Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Shirt three room apartment. One room was a kitchen, one room was the bedroom, and the largest room was a bedroom converted to a bathroom. He had his computer desk and computer set up in the bathroom. It was quite a large room, actually. I was a student teacher in the spring, and am about to start full time teaching at the same school next week. The school is in a low income neighborhood (South Los Angeles). Honestly, I was most shocked by how good the living environments appeared to be. You could tell they were small and old apartments with generally too many people living in them, but they were clean and homey. It really relieved me to see how hard their parents were working to give them a good home and a good life. And it really inspired me to work equally hard to give them a quality education that might hopefully help propel a few forward in life (coming from a first gen college student with a masters degree, it’s amazing how much of a quality of life difference a stupid piece of paper can make... And I’m a teacher, so that’s saying something.) My middle school team agreed to not require kids to show their face/background. One time a kid surprised me though. His little brother (probably 8 years old) was bothering him during one of the last few classes, and they had a pool. I was honestly more surprised by the pool since I teach Title 1. A student said to just throw the kid in the pool. I stopped this and probably gave the most important life lesson ever. Yes, but most shocking moment) I saw a mom in a thong. It took me a second to realize I was seeing the backside of this unsuspecting middle aged woman (no judgement, I'm 40, just giving a visual--this was not some penthouse forum moment). As a heterosexual female witnessing a woman I do not know in a thong, yes, it was shocking. Glad it was me instead of a male coworker. Luckily, I use two computers, one for zoom and one to actually check their online work. I pretended to be very very focused on the other computer as if I did not see what I saw.

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