Pretty The Cutest Turkeys Call Me Teacher Fun Thanks Giving Shirt

 Dude has zero issues Pretty The Cutest Turkeys Call Me Teacher Fun Thanks Giving Shirt displaying his racist thoughts, but yet they still support him. love it!! Fucker probably only started wearing the mask after he saw his overload finally wear one to a convention. At the time they didn’t say much but I’m hoping that she’ll face similar consequences in the future. I do find it funny when American uses their own incompetence and lack of knowledge to insulate themselves. That’s not my department, I’m not the manager, I’m not security, security and ticketing are different departments. There should be big red warning signs flashing at every department of passengers who are banned. They could have blocked this dude’s name, passport, and credit card number. It’s weird he was able to make the purchase in the first place. He stinks like self-entitlement. Why do all these clowns always come up with the “I have a medical issue, I can’t wear a mask”. Like, grow the fuck up. You were the kid that had to take a pee-pee break every 15 minutes all through school too I bet.

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