Official Baking Is My Therapy Shirt


I'm cautiously optimistic only Official Baking Is My Therapy Shirt because it seems like my opinions on all the Craig movies so far have fluctuated between good and bad with every other movie, so hopefully the upswing is due now lol. But if they keep going down this road of "EVERYTHING is ALL about BOND and how SUPER SPECIAL he is and how BROODING AND TORTURED he is", which it does kinda look like from the trailer, I'm probably not gonna like it. It's actually very similar to the problems of Moffat's Sherlock as it went on (shit, the guy who plays Moriarty is even in Spectre). Fan service isn't always automatically a bad thing. The third act of Avengers Endgame is arguably the biggest piece of fan service in history, and I really enjoyed it. But fan service that has no substance or reason behind it beyond pandering fan service, almost always falls flat.

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