Nasa National Aeronautics And Space Administration Shirt


Maybe not Nasa National Aeronautics And Space Administration Shirt that innocent to begin with but extra creepy knowing the truth. A video of an African Grey parrot named Bud saying "don't fucking shoot". He witnessed his owner (Martin Durham) being murdered by his wife. IIRC Bud also mimicked both sides of verbal fights, alternating between two a male and female voice. I believe the parrot testified in court, the wife was convicted. Edit: Bud did NOT testify, sorry to get your hopes up. He was however a useful witness during the investigation! Actress Melissa Benoist was on Jimmy Fallon in 2016. She told a story about a time she fell and tore up half her face and one of her eyes. She made jokes about it, and no one really thought about it. Last year she revealed that one of her exes was very violent when they were together. She revealed that the story she told on Jimmy Fallon was a cover up story. The real story is that her husband(at the time) had thrown an iPhone in her face. it’s so creepy knowing that said ex was almost definitely blake jenner, who she starred in glee with. i can’t bare to rewatch any of the season his character is in, creeps me out too much. that set must have been hell for her too, what with lea michelle also hating her.

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