My Favorite Teacher Calls Me Mom Shirt
They could have blocked this My Favorite Teacher Calls Me Mom Shirt dude’s name, passport, and credit card number. It’s weird he was able to make the purchase in the first place. He stinks like self-entitlement. Why do all these clowns always come up with the “I have a medical issue, I can’t wear a mask”. Like, grow the fuck up. You were the kid that had to take a pee-pee break every 15 minutes all through school too I bet. Is it at all surprising even now he can’t wear a mask correctly? Is it a Trump thing? I see small children and elderly that figure it out very easily. Medical reasons=snowflake. Oh, the irony. Agree with blacklisting non-mask wearers. I sat between two men. No middle seats blocked. Really puzzled me. Why are we yearning for a fight - standing on hollow morals? Yes, don’t be a sheep. We can do better. Be better!
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