FedEx No Rain No Sleet No Snow No Heat Retired Shirt

 He made an argument I've seen so many FedEx No Rain No Sleet No Snow No Heat Retired Shirt times now as business owner who's had a disagreement with a customer then proceeded to deny them service. He acts like his ignorance of the cancellation is American Airlines' problem. And if you are too weak to wear one. You are too weak for COVID and should definitely isolate yourself fully. And you also can't claim medical exemption unable to wear one. And then, if it means no flight. That you suddenly can. They don't want you to randomly stop breathing. Wanna bet if you find his IG or FB he has videos of himself doing CrossFit? Like a ton of videos doing CrossFit? They're still stuffing the planes as full as possible, but I'm glad to see them stick to their word. Based on the link below of the news article about him holding up a flight, his IG lists his wife who then has a post of him and her running a Spartan event. So he could run 14 miles doing Spartan with a medical condition? Oh, that smug fuck deserves to be blacklisted. To be honest, I bet he wouldn’t have been if he had not rubbed it in on social media. 

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