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 Then he decided to play Crown Royal Happy Water For Grumpy People Vintage Shirt dumb. This is the reason everyone should have a job working with the general public. So you take a step back before acting as a general fucktard to employees. I’ve been working through the whole pandemic and I’ve just about had it up to here too. I’ve already banned a few people for arguing and generally being sassy over the mask requirement. I do call center work, and one of the most satisfying things about it is that when a customer requests a supervisor I can say "we're consistent on policy at all levels of leadership" and it's actually the truth. They don't incentivize shit-stirring. What was really smart was that she didn’t imply anything about the past incident, just said ‘So it looks like there was a past incident’ and let him fill in the gaps from there. She doesn’t dig herself any holes. She’s also not robotic with her speech but also isn’t overly sensitive, just the right amount to connect with the guy. I thought she was great, but that line came across simply as her not actually knowing what happened, which makes sense. She definitely handled the situation well and deserves the praise.

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