Hocus Pocus Official Campsite Beer Tester Shirt

 When I was younger, I thought Halloween and Hocus Pocus Official Campsite Beer Tester Shirt several other themed weddings were cool. I don't know what it is called, but I am sure that there is a term to describe what I am about to say. Now that those are super common, I suddenly lost interest in those. Hogwarts? Yawns. LOTR? Yawns. Games of Throne? Yawns. Halloween... As much as I love it, still too much of a cliche. If people want to do those weddings, fine with me, but I don't consider those themes unique. Yikes. Supporting Harry Potter at this point is implicitly supporting JK and her rampant transphobia. You can't buy HP merch (which they'll have to do for the wedding) without further adding to JK's wealth, and increasing the platform and influence she has.

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